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Join the NFOSD!

Become a Member to Support those Impacted by Swallowing Disorders


Membership Benefits

  • FREE access to our Dysphagia webinar series during the current calendar year (January – December)
  • Access to select Foundation and Medical Advisory Board members on an as-needed basis
  • Ability to add membership support to your resume or CV
  • Knowing you are our partner in improving the lives of those with a swallowing disorder

The National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders is committed to providing patient hope and improving the quality of life for those suffering from all types of swallowing disorders. By enhancing direct patient support, education, research and raising public, professional and governmental awareness, our mission is to advance the prevention and treatment of swallowing disorders in our lifetime.

We rely on and are grateful for the financial support of our sponsors and members to help further our mission. Thank you for your support!